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Duong Thuy Duong was born in 1979 and now is living in Germany. Being known for her abstract self-portrait paintings, Duong Thuy Duong amazes the audience with “confusing” lines arranged deliberately in the realistic dark space. With the style of “non-self portrait painting”, Duong Thuy Duong firstly expresses her feeling and experience in artworks and then engages the audience into the talk to find their ego and question themselves with the unanswered questions.

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In the word of Roff Muller

Artists are like children – always busy to describe something and no matter what they describe, their work shows well the marks they leave. An artist’s awareness is in harmony with his or her personal observation and both find expression in his or her own style rendering the artwork.
“We have art in order not to die from the truth,” said Nietzsche.  
Duong’s art seems to become a confident play of painting and her own private stories. It takes a new form, asking the spectators to get acquainted and built a personal relationship with it first. They will not find it from merely understanding the titles, but only when they “look at her art in a manner of meditation”, it could carry them far out into an unreachable world, to the boundless universe, and then take them back to their own private inner worlds.  
Finally, all of her paintings are speaking of human beings, of their existence, and their dim future. 


Mo Art Space, Hanoi, Vietnam

Agnes's New Planet


Kunsthof Alt-Lietzow, Charlottenburg, Germany

Finding Lucy?

Artcenter 42, Hanoi, Vietnam

D.T.D 20+


Eight Gallery, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

The World of Duong Thuy Duong


Eight Gallery, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Post Agnes

Gallery 2, Berlin, Germany

Duong Thuy Duong, 2015 - 2017


Eight Gallery, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

My Agnes


Institut Francais, Hanoi, Vietnam

Seeing through the Window


Goethe Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam

Seen by others


Goethe Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam

Coming then leaving


with Do Tuan Anh, Goethe Institute, Hanoi, Vietnam

Migration and Identity


Gallery Thavibu, Bangkok, Thailand

5 female Asian artists


Opera House, Halle/Saale, Germany

Fine Arts of Duong Thuy Duong and Michael Wernitz

at the Cultural Center of Beyer, Leverkusen, Germany

10 Years

Gallery Maya, London, United Kingdom

Vietnam's Emerging Generation


with Dao Minh Tri, Viet Art Center, Hanoi, Vietnam

Village, City and Dreams

Exhibition House of Halle/Saale Fine Arts Association, Germany


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